需求 for the major

The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in chemistry are a total of 61 credit hours, 如下:

I. Departmental requirements:
  1. 44 credits in chemistry: 化学- 1311化学- 1312, 化学- 1112, 化学- 2319, 化学- 2119, 化学- 2320, 化学- 2120, 化学- 3330, 化学- 3130, 化学- 3001, 化学- 3101, 化学- 3190 or 化学- 3191, 化学- 3432, 化学- 3334, 化学- 3321, 化学- 3335, 化学- 4250, 化学- 4251 和 two courses selected from 化学- 4340, 化学- 4346, 化学- 4347 or 化学- 4360.
    • Students may substitute an advanced course in molecular biology, engineering science, or physics for one of the two advanced electives in chemistry. This substitution must be approved by the department chair.
  2. 数学- 1311数学- 1312, plus one additional course from 数学- 2321 or 数学- 3316.
  3. phy - 1111phy - 1112phy - 1309 or phy - 1311phy - 1310 or phy - 1312.
II. University requirements: 

完成 all other required elements of the Pathways curriculum 和 at least 120 credit hours.

Guidelines for the Acceptance of Majors 

Full acceptance is granted if the following requirements are met at the time of application:

  1. 完成 化学- 1311, 化学- 1312, 化学- 1112化学- 2319 和 化学- 2119 with grades of C or better.
  2. 完成 数学- 1311 with a grade of C or better.
  3. A grade point average of at least 2.0 on all other university work.

Provisional acceptance may be granted if it is apparent that an applicant can meet the requirements for full acceptance by the end of the semester in which application is made.

Transfer students will be accepted provisionally pending completion at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 of at least one upper division chemistry course, which includes lab, with a grade of C or better.


In addition to the minimum requirements for an honors thesis described earlier, the Department of 化学 has the following requirements:

Application 和 Procedures 

Students planning to write an Honors Thesis in 化学 should discuss research opportunities with at least three faculty members. Normally the choice of research director will be made in the first semester of the Junior year, although students with extraordinary research experience,包括 research during a summer, may defer the choice of research director for one or two semesters. A brief proposal of the student’s thesis project should be submitted to the Chair for approval by chemistry faculty committee prior to enrolling in Honors Thesis research.


The 荣誉项目 in 化学 requires a minimum of nine credit hours of research. At least six of these hours must be taken in the senior year 和 devoted to the thesis research. If a student has worked full-time on research related to the thesis for a minimum of ten weeks during one summer, the department may waive the requirement for three of the nine credit hours. Submission of the final research report for the summer is required for this waiver.


Department website

Corina Maeder, Ph.D. (椅子)



From the Department of 化学.


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