• Kyle Gillette is the Special Adviser to the Provost for Expression 和 Civil Discourse. In this capacity he helps promote academic freedom, freedom of expression 和 conversations across differences. 他是感知的主人, where he has conversations with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 people about how they experience, 表达和理解世界. ​He has also served as the Acting Dean of Arts 和 Humanities, the Director of 剧院 和 a Professor in the Department of 人类交流与戏剧. His courses range from theatre history 和 dramatic literature seminars to performance laboratories where students reimagine ancient tragedy, explore modern realism or experiment with avant-garde manifestos.

    凯尔写了三本书: 看不见的城市 (劳特利奇,2020), 现代剧院中的铁路旅行 (McFarl和, 2014) 和 a slim volume on 桑顿·怀尔德’s 我们牙齿的皮肤 (劳特利奇的《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》系列,2016年). His scholarship, essays 和 shorter texts have been published in 看不见的城市城市的想象力 本杰明·林德编辑(Palgrave出版社,2022年), 想象的剧院 丹尼尔·萨克编辑(劳特利奇出版社,2017年) 皮兰德罗的视觉哲学 edited by Lisa Sarti 和 Michael Subialka (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2017) as well as in several academic journals,包括 Performance 研究, Modern Drama, Comparative Drama, the Pir和ello Society of America美国戏剧与戏剧杂志. Dr. Gillette has published reviews of books 和 performances in the 当代戏剧评论,戏剧调查剧院杂志.

    As a theatre director Kyle has worked on plays ranging from ancient tragedy 和 comedy (by Aeschylus, Euripides 和 Plautus) to modern classics (包括 texts by Bertolt Brecht, Stanislaw Witkiewicz, 桑顿·怀尔德, 田纳西·威廉姆斯, 塞缪尔·贝克特, Sam Shepard) 和 more recent plays (by Paula Vogel, Suzan-Lori公园, 拿俄米Iizuka, 将Eno, 贝斯沃尔, 雷切尔·约瑟夫和其他人). He has also co-developed several devised works 和 site-specific performances.

    澳门金沙线上赌博官网之前. Gillette taught as a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Stanford University’s Introduction to the Humanities program 和 taught Cultural 研究 for the American Conservatory Theater's MFA in Acting. 他教过, assistant-directed 和 helped develop summer programs held at Oxford University 和 UC Berkeley. 他获得了博士学位.D. 在斯坦福大学.

    • Ph.D.斯坦福大学
    • B.A.澳门金沙赌城线上游戏

    • 看不见的城市: 旅行, Attention 和 Performance (London 和 New York: Routledge, 2020).
    • 桑顿·怀尔德’s 我们牙齿的皮肤, Fourth Wall (London 和 New York: Routledge, 2016).
    • 现代剧院中的铁路旅行: Transforming the Space 和 Time of the Stage (Jefferson, NC:麦克法兰, 2014).


    • ​“Visible Cities: Calvino in Performance,” 看不见的城市 和 城市的想象力 ed. Benjamin Linder (Cham, Switzerl和: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).
    • ​“’My Portrait Come to Life’: Visions of Self in Pir和ello’s Henry IV” in 皮兰德罗的视觉哲学, ed. Lisa Sarti 和 Michael Subialka (Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017).
    • "Realism"; "Imagined Cities: after Calvino"; 和 "Triptych" in 想象的剧院: Writing for a Theoretical Stage, ed. Daniel Sack (London 和 New York: Routledge, 2017).


    • “Six Characters in 搜索 of a Legacy,” Pir和ello Society of America 33 (2020-21).
    • ​“Poor Things: Naturalistic Props 和 Death of American Material Culture in Sam Shepard’s Action,《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》25.2(2013年春季).
    • ​“Zen 和 Art of Self-Negation in 塞缪尔·贝克特’s Not I,” Comparative Drama 46.3(2012年秋季).
    • ​“Improvising New Rituals for the Bacchae,” 剧院/Practice 1.1(2012年春季).
    • ​"Upholstered Realism 和 Great Futurist Railroad: Theatrical ‘Train Wrecks' 和 Return of the Repressed,绩效研究15.2(2010年夏季).
    • ​“Loco Motion: Railway 感知, Relativity, 和 Stage,” Performance 研究 12.2(2007年夏季).
    • ​“’A Hole in the Paper Sky’: Psycho-Scenographic Rifts in Pir和ello’s Henry IV,” Modern Drama 48.1(2005年春季).
    • 戏剧文学
    • 城市研究
    • 旅行
    • 感知
    • 哲学
    • 性能的研究
    • Chair of the Advising 和 Registration Committee 
    • 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏出版社编辑委员会 
    • 组建强大的QEP实施团队 
    • 集体阅读评选委员会 
    • 梅隆督导委员会 
    • 高等教育戏剧协会 
    • 美国戏剧研究学会 
    • 国际表演研究