Trinity Tower with orange sunrise in background
Trinity Launches Searches for Two VP Positions
The University seeks two new executive leaders

“These two positions are critical to our mission and values of intentional inclusion, perpetual discovery, and enduring excellence,” says President Beasley. “Both positions will work closely with me, the provost, and the other members of the Executive Leadership Team to share responsibility for a culture that promotes learning from each other in all of our campus spaces.”

The Vice President for Student Affairs will provide strategic, visionary, and operational leadership that promotes student support and success, shape a culture of engagement and belonging, and create opportunities for students to learn outside of the classroom in co- or extracurricular settings.

The Vice President for Inclusive Engagement will establish and implement a strategic framework for engaging faculty, staff, and students in fostering and affirming a campus culture of inclusion, belonging, and listening.

The search committees are expected to make their recommendations by the end of the Spring semester. The University has retained Russell Reynolds as its search firm for both positions. The committees are as follows:

Vice President for Student Affairs

Search Committee Chair - Ms. Erika Robinson, General Counsel

Prof. Gary Seighman, Music

Prof. Alfred Montoya, Sociology and Anthropology

Betty Curry, Academic Support (VPAA)

Kristen Harrison, Athletics

Danny Nguyen, SGA President

Ella Charbonnet, SGA Representative

Vice President for Inclusive Engagement

Search Committee Chair - Prof. Wilson Terrell Jr., Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs: Inclusive Excellence, and Associate Professor of Engineering Science

Prof. Enrique Alemán, Jr., Education

Prof. Josie Liu, Communication

Nelda Cortez, Parker Chapel

LadyStacie Rimes-Boyd, Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success

Frances Frey, Institutional Research

Dario Leal, SGA Representative



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